STOCK TICKER CONTENTS LICENCE INTRODUCTION MANIFEST INSTALL NOTES LICENCE This software is subject to the terms given in the accompanying file, LICENCE. Please read it. INTRODUCTION This is a MOO-code package written for JHCore-based MOO servers. some modification may be required to allow the software to work on other platforms. The Stock Ticker is an object that displays stock symbol prices. You can talk to it and it'll reply to the room. You control the Search-Engine Interface by speaking to it, using a 'directed-say' command. For example: `nasdaq ba Nasdaq says, "BA's rising 0.09, now at 36.68" The Ticker also integrates into the room's description, displaying the symbol and price of the last stock it was asked to find. If your client supports the dns-com-awns-displayurl MCP/2.1 package then asking the Ticker to 'show me' will make it send a URL to your client, which will then display further details on a webbrowser. For example: `nasdaq show me [your webbrowser displays further details on the last stock it was asked to find.] You can also as the Ticker to 'show me ', which will display that symbol details on a webbrowser. For example: `nasdaq show me MSFT [your webbrowser displays further details on the MSFT symbol] You can keep the Ticker up-to-date by making it fetch the latest stock prices periodically. When the Ticker is first installed you can start an update task by eval'ing a command like: ;__NEW__:lookup_task() To set the frequency of the update, change the Ticker's .lookup_time property. To make the Ticker update its display evey 5 minutes (5 * 60 seconds) type: ;__NEW__.lookup_time = 300 MANIFEST README this file LICENCE licence terms for this package nasdaq.moo a MOO code @dump INSTALL As a non-wizard user port the MOO-code in the *.moo files. You'll need to load each file into a text editor and use search and replace functions to replace the following strings with their relevant values: __NEW__ object id of newly @create'd package NOTES This object makes use of the directed_speech event which is normally broadcast by the Stage Talk Feature Object (__STFO__). MOOs based on the December '98 JHCore need to be modified slightly to ensure that the Stage Talk Feature Object works properly. Edit the verb __STFO__:` and change the last 'else/endif' block to look like this: --- cut here --- else $you:say_action(this.((dobj == {{player}}) ? "toself_msg" | "to_msg")); event = {{"speaker", player}, {"targets", dobj[1]}, {"speech", argstr}}; player.location:broadcast_event_directed_speech(event); endif --- cut here --- The MCP/2.1 package dns-com-awns-displayurl is available here: A displayurl.tcl plugin is available for the tkMOO-light client which supports the dns-com-awns-displayurl package: