
tkMOO-light Walkthrough

The Main Window The main window, with menus for controlling connections, on-screen editing, special tools and a comprehensive set of user preferences. The client also features an extensive built-in help facility.

A powerful built-in text editor can be used for local editing of MOO verbs and properties and for composing MOO-mail messages. The client understands a range of local editing protocols including LambdaCore, MCP/1.0, MCP/2.1, MacMOOSE and Hash-hash (##). The In-Client Editor

The Whiteboard tkMOO-light's whiteboards allow several people to share the same drawing, using the MOO to ensure that the separate clients are kept up to date. Basic graphical forms are provided and a range of colours. Whiteboards can be used interractively to assist in the presentation of ideas.

One of tkMOO-light's special features a drag and drop desktop representation of the MOO. Player's inventory (or contents of rooms etc) represented by coloured icons which may be dragged to other open desktops. Pick up a text object, drag it to a folder and drop it, command is sent to the MOO to move the objects (just like typing put notes in folder) and the desktop is updated.

Several different icons represent different types of object. folders, notes, whiteboards, rooms, players, general objects.

The Desktop

Rich Text JHCore rich-text data (jtext) is recognised and used to enhance the layout of text like notes or help screens. Jtext includes a form of hypertext linking, the dark blue words on this screen are active links, click on one of them and another page of help information is displayed.